The Wise Family

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Wiggly Dancer

Payton is a HUGE Wiggles fan and has picked out her favorite song. Whenever this song comes on she starts dancing like crazy. When she first saw it she thought one of the four dancing girls was me (I guess because they have longer hair) and would point to the TV and say, “Mommy! Mommy!”. I love how happy and full of life she is.


Megan said...

oh mu gosh! i am dying right now! that was so funny! i loved how she would get so hyper that she would almost fall over and lose her balance! lol, wow, that was so cute!

Ashlea said...

So cute! We are big Wiggles fans too and sometimes I will be singing "crunchy, munchy, honeycakes in my sleep."