The Wise Family

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Payton and Jayden driving the car

Today Payton and I got watch Jayden and what a sweetie he is. He was such a good boy and had so much fun playing with Payton. Payton was for the most part nice to Jayden like when she would give him pretzels and kisses but would sometimes be mean when he had a toy she wanted or if she felt like he was not taking turns with the Dora Car. The Dora Car was Jayden’s favorite toy and he spent most of his time climbing in and out and pretend driving (such a boy). I look forward to Payton and Jayden growing up together and becoming great friends. I was real tempted to get the dresses and bows out to play dress up with Jayden but enjoy having him over too much and did not want Rhea or Geoffrey to take my privileges away;).


nanamoo said...

I think it is so cute how focused Jayden is on driving no matter what the distractions are!

Ashlea said...

Poor Jayden, already getting pushed around by little women.J/K I bet they have so much fun together!!