Friday, June 27, 2008
PF Changs with Friends
Saturday, June 21, 2008
The Beach
Me, Payton and Britten 21W1D
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Beauty Night
My girly girl
When I was pregnant with Payton I wanted a little girl so bad. I would daydream about having a girl and was often offended when someone would tell me that I was carrying like it was a boy or any of the other crazy wives’ tales that was not in favor of the baby being a girl. It took 5 ultrasounds for the doctors to confirm that it was a girl so until it was confirmed I would go on signs like for example one day I was at work and one of the girls said that her doctor called a girl’s private parts a butterfly because that is what it looks like on the ultrasound and later that day I came into the office after lunch and a butterfly was sitting on my shoulder (when does that ever happen?). I would also hear that song butterfly kisses on the radio all the time even some days more than once. Well luckily I was blessed with a little girl because I could have easily been humbled considering I was probably to set on the baby being a girl. Anyways, my little girl has turned into quite the girly girl with her baby dolls, purses, jewelry and now shoes. Payton has finally conquered the high-heel shoes. I got her on tape and what you are seeing at the end is her getting mad at me and wanting me to put them back on. She followed me around the house all morning with the heels insisting that I help her put them back on if they would come off. I love these little precious memories of her. I just hope to not get any footage of Britton like this;).
Sunday, June 15, 2008
One of those nights...
Happy Father's Day!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Happy Birthday Grace, Ben, Brigham & Aishlinn
Thursday, June 12, 2008
The kids are finally in their own beds!
The kids are in their beds!
I decided last night to try Payton out in her big girl bed. She was a little hesitant (and so was I) but after staying in there with her for about 30 minutes she fell into a deep sleep. When it was time for Jonathon and me to go to bed we tried talking each other into going to get her but both decided that it would be best if we got her use to the idea of sleeping in her own bed. This is a way harder transition for Jonathon and me than it is for Payton, but I know it will be the best thing to prepare for when Britten gets here and has his late night crying and feedings. Payton did great until she woke up at 3:30am calling for me which was great for me because I sleep better with her beside me (minus the occasional kicks to the face;).
As for Cali… well she was kicked out of our bed when Payton was born and had a way harder time with it than what Payton has. She fought us on it for months but finally she is comfortable with her new sleeping arrangements on the couch in the playroom. Every night Jonathon or I will get her blanket out and cover her up. It’s funny because she expects it to happen every night and does not go to sleep until she is tucked in… what a baby!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Sinus infection + Bronchitis + Ear Infection + Pregnancy= Unhappy girl!
The good news: Everything went well at my checkup with Britten. The doctor said that the ultrasound came back normal and now I get to sit back for a few weeks without worrying as much which will be a nice break because when I get close to the end I know I will start to freak out again about the delivery ;). 19W4D
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Wiggly Dancer
Payton and Jayden driving the car
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
It's definitely a boy!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Such a fun enrichment activity!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Our little shopper
Skinny Dipping
Here is Payton helping Cali hunt for lizards. This is something that Cali takes very serious.
18 Weeks