After church today Payton and I went with Debbie Carter to do our Visiting Teaching. We went to see Rhea W., Stephanie P., and Mary G. This is my first time being a Visiting Teacher and I have not missed a month since I started in November… thanks to Debbie who is a great companion and friend ;). After Visiting Teachiing Payton and I went to Linda and Rick’s for some good Jackson/Payton play time and a delicious hamburger meal.
I am missing my Jonathon like crazy!
I haven't had a VT companion in years! You are the greatest Missy and you always know just the right thing to do or you!
sounds like fun! Cute pictures.
Peyton is getting so big! She's beautiful. I love your blog. I just found it, but I'll be checking in a lot now...So say nice things about me. :) Have a great day Missy.
Fun Fun! What a gorgeous house!
Good for you getting your VT done. It's so hard but so important!
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