Payton is getting to the age where she is trying very hard to mimic words. She has had a few words that she has been able to say for while such as momma, dada, thank you, good girl, Jackson, Cali, sassy (pacifier), Jack, ball and some other common words. Lately Payton has been trying some more tricking words such as names. My favorite name she says is Macie. She pronounces it as May-nee. It is so funny and cute when she says it. I got her on tape while she was in the bath… that’s when she performs the best ;).
aww! i loved JACKSON. and the maynee was cute!
I love the way she says Macie's name too. She is getting so big. We had such a great time today with her and Macie at my moms house.She is so sweet to Macie. I love it! Payton will be a great big sister.
She is already the great communicator with those big brown eyes! It just gets more and more fun doesn't it?
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