The Wise Family

Monday, February 11, 2008

Payton gets kicked out of the Kiddie Gym

I have to vent! Today I took Payton to the gym for the first time in two weeks and had a very bad experience. When I dropped her off she cried a little, but when I checked in 5 minutes later she was having a great time. I continued to watch her on the TV they have set up in the girl’s workout room and she was having a blast playing with the other children and toys. I decided to finish my workout in the big room when I was approached by one of the Kiddie Gym's staff members with a disappointed look on her face. I asked if everything was okay and she said that Payton had to go home because she would not sit down when she was asked... yes because she would not sit down! At this point I was very confused because surely this lady could not have expected a 17 month old to take an order like sit down, but I guess she did. I told her that she was only 17months old and that I would not expect her to sit for me. She replied that it was policy. I followed her back into the Kiddie Gym and Payton was standing there smiling and playing with a few other little children. The lady showed me this step that she asked her to sit down on and I was so angry. This step was not big enough to hurt her and if she had a problem with her not sitting why did she not just remove her from the situation?!? I guess this will be the start of many confrontations I will encounter being a parent, but I hope they will not be as STUPID as this! I do love the Gold's Gym and have always thought the Kiddie Gym was great; however now I am a little concerned to take Payton back because I don't want to go through her getting kicked out because she does not roll over or something ridiculous like this!


Melody said...

I HAVE to talk to you about this. I had a terrible experience Friday with one of the workers speaking meanly in Aislinn's face and holding her in the chair. I walked in as it was going on. Call me.

Brianna said...

You show them girl;)

Tal gal said...

Reading Melody's comments and your experience I realize that I am not alone in my bad gym experience either. Actually, in FL at the Y I too walked in to pick up Luke and he was being restrained in a chair by a worker. She said he was in time out. She then went on the yell across the room about how terrible he was. I ended up talking to the director. ANYWAY sister, it can make your blood boil I know! I was ready to take this girl on. It definitely is one of those things that I was not so prepared for in parenting but I guess we are all learning.