Jonathon, Payton and I got up and decided to do a little yard work which has been much needed. Payton ran around the side of the house so I followed her and about had a heartache! Payton came in inches of stepping on this nasty 7 foot snake… okay it was probably only 2 feet but my goodness it scared me probably as bad as if there was a big anaconda sitting in my yard. I screamed at the top of my lungs which was good because it made Payton stop before stepping on it but bad because Jonathon thought someone was trying to kill us. Jonathon came running around the corner of the house and I insisted that this snake must be killed. I went into the house to get something to kill the snake with but thought it would be best to bring out the beast. I have always heard of what an incredible hunter Cali is but have never been too impressed with her since I have only seen her kill little lizards and bugs but she sure proved me wrong. Once she spotted the snake the fight was on. The snake was trying to bit Cali and I saw a little blood on her tongue so she might have gotten a little bite. Cali took the snake and shook it in the air. Payton and I were watching from the safety of the porch and I was a nervous wreck but Payton found everything to be extremely entertaining and funny! As Cali was barking and snapping at the snake Payton was hysterically laughing. Jonathon finished the snake off with a 45 pound weight and tried to steal Cali’s thunder but Payton and I know who the true hero is. After having Jonathon wipe Cali’s entire body and mouth down she was rewarded with many treats and lots of praise. I never respected the true hunter that Cali really is until today! I was going to take a photo of Cali hunting but I did not want to have anything more than the horrible image that I have stock in my head of that nasty black snake. I know some people are probably thinking that those snakes are good because they keep the critters away but I don’t care because the critters don’t make my heart nearly come out of my chest! Poisonous or friendly they are all in the same class to me… I hate them all!

Jonathon, Payton and I got up and decided to do a little yard work which has been much needed. Payton ran around the side of the house so I followed her and about had a heartache! Payton came in inches of stepping on this nasty 7 foot snake… okay it was probably only 2 feet but my goodness it scared me probably as bad as if there was a big anaconda sitting in my yard. I screamed at the top of my lungs which was good because it made Payton stop before stepping on it but bad because Jonathon thought someone was trying to kill us. Jonathon came running around the corner of the house and I insisted that this snake must be killed. I went into the house to get something to kill the snake with but thought it would be best to bring out the beast. I have always heard of what an incredible hunter Cali is but have never been too impressed with her since I have only seen her kill little lizards and bugs but she sure proved me wrong. Once she spotted the snake the fight was on. The snake was trying to bit Cali and I saw a little blood on her tongue so she might have gotten a little bite. Cali took the snake and shook it in the air. Payton and I were watching from the safety of the porch and I was a nervous wreck but Payton found everything to be extremely entertaining and funny! As Cali was barking and snapping at the snake Payton was hysterically laughing. Jonathon finished the snake off with a 45 pound weight and tried to steal Cali’s thunder but Payton and I know who the true hero is. After having Jonathon wipe Cali’s entire body and mouth down she was rewarded with many treats and lots of praise. I never respected the true hunter that Cali really is until today! I was going to take a photo of Cali hunting but I did not want to have anything more than the horrible image that I have stock in my head of that nasty black snake. I know some people are probably thinking that those snakes are good because they keep the critters away but I don’t care because the critters don’t make my heart nearly come out of my chest! Poisonous or friendly they are all in the same class to me… I hate them all!
I had no idea some dogs would kill snakes. Could you please send Cali to my garden?!
Oh my goodness...I would just have died! I really hate snakes too!!
Wow! I HATE snakes. I don't think Sting'em could've handled that the way Cali did. Go Cali! That cracks me up that Payton was enjoying the show! She is too funny.
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