The other day Payton and I were shopping at Target in the kiddie section and Payton spotted a dog that she liked so I let her play with it thinking that I could sneak it away before we checked out. Well... when we got to the checkout lane she refused to let the dog go so I got it and what a good buy it has been. We named the little dog Oliver and got him a collar and leash and it has been about as good as the real thing (plus it does not pee on the carpet, require food and does not mind Payton pulling it around;).
It is so funny how much she treats it like a real dog. She went into the cupboard to Cali's treats and got Oliver a milkbone and was trying to feed it to him. Jonathon and I went for a walk the other night and Payton was so upset because we would not let Cali go so we got Oliver out with his leash and let her walk him down the road... it was quite the site to see. I know that people had to think we were crazy who drove by because Payton had her monkey on and was pulling her stuffed animal down the sidewalk. Jonathon and I were both a little embarssed but she was having too much fun!

Oliver is adorable!
We just love Oliver, and had fun playing with you guys the other day. Does Payton sleep with him too?
I love Oliver! I wouldv'e loved to see Payton walking him down the road. Next time we walk can Oliver come??
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