After church on Sunday Jonathon, Payton and I went to my mom and Ron’s house for some good home cooking and fun time. We love going out to hang out with them because everything is so relaxing, Payton has a blast running around and did I mention the good home cooking?!? My mom makes the most yummy and unique meals. The only problem is that Jonathon always complains that he never gets good cooking like that when he is at home… I guess my menu of three recipes does not match up to my mom’s ever changing delicious menu. We ate coconut chicken soup, chicken nachos and of course cookie dough. Payton woke up from her nap in a not so happy mood and was not up for eating until we got the strawberries and blueberries out with extra whip cream. She then got to take Jack on a walk, which made her very happy until he pulled her down and made her very upset to the point that she refused to walk him (YES!). Thanks mom and Ron for the great Sunday and excellent food! We love you guys!
Deceptively Delicious!

Payton and Nee walking Jack right before big fall.
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