The Wise Family

Friday, September 25, 2009

Our Date with Nee

Today my mom came over to play with us. We decided to go down to Lake Monroe to walk and play. We walked down and got a slice of pizza and then went to the park to play a little bit. Besides the fact that it was incredibly hot, it was a beautiful day. After playing we came home and put the kids down for a nap and my mom and I made a scary ghost. I had to have my mom draw out the ghost since I have horrible drawling skills and surprisingly my mom is a great artist. Lots of fun!

My mom made me take a photo of her dog Jack and I know she would be made if he did not make it to this post;). I love my brother.


Thanks mom for the scary ghost and thanks Cindi for the Giant Spider idea ( I wish I was as crafty as you and could have made that light web... you need to come back to Florida;).

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