Monday, December 31, 2007
Payton On The Greens
Friday, December 28, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
2007 Christmas
Christmas morning Jonathon, Payton and I woke up at our house and opened presents and then went out to Ron and my mom’s house and spent the rest of the day there. We had a blast at my mom’s house. I love getting together with my brother and sister since I don’t get to see them all that much. I also got to spend time with my nieces Cameryn and Madison who are growing so fast! Madison is 3 years old and this year her and Payton got to play together… or I mean fight over toys;). We all had fun watching the two of them take each other’s toys. We want to thank all of our friends and family for making our Christmas so special.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Christmas Sunday Dinner With The Teets
The last few years we have done a Sunday Christmas Dinner at Linda and Rick’s house and this year was so AWESOME! Linda decorates the table very pretty and even had a gift sitting on the table for the girls. We had the most delicious meal and spent great quality time as a family. Linda sure does make the holidays special and I am so grateful to have her as my mother-in-law. Linda, Thanks for all that you do! I love you “Good Girl”;)!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Christmas Shopping With Payton
Today Payton and I decided to pack up and head to Sanford to finish up our Christmas shopping. I did accomplish a lot but it was very stressful with Payton. She is now 15 months and wants to explore everything so for her having to sit in a stroller is not that exciting. Luckily we found this play area at the Sanford mall. It was very nice and I would recommend it to anyone. It was so funny watching Payton because she was having the time of her life. She would run up to other children and start laughing so hard… they would look at her like she was crazy! I just love how much personality she has and how she is always happy and laughing. 

Friday, December 14, 2007
Good Ol' Wal-mart
My good friend Summer came over tonight and we made Christmas goodies. We needed to grab some extra material so we decided to go on a shopping trip to good ol' Wal-mart. I had just feed and bathed Payton and put her John Deer shirt on and was going to change her, but Summer said that she would be perfectly fine at Wal-mart like this. I thought these photos were just price less! Only at Wal-mart can you take a baby in a diaper and John Deer shirt and feel perfectly comfortable ;)…I just love that store!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Linda's Girl's Only Party
This year all of the boys went on a boy's only ski trip so Linda had a girl's only Christmas party. It was lots of fun and great to hang out with all of the girls and not have to listen to one word about sports ;). However, I do miss my Jonathon! I don't know how I am going to manage with out him in February when he goes to Brazil for 12 days :(.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
A Night With The Beehives
The Beehives came over tonight and we had a night filled with Christmas fun. It is such a pleasure to work with these girls... they are so sweet, polite and funny!

We started the night with Brianna's game of dressing each other in toliet paper to make snowman... they were kind of scary snowman!
Then the girls decorated Gingerbread Man.
Then we made Reindeer Food... my favorite!
We ended the night with Nellie's game and it was so funny. The girls had to break up into two groups and make a Santa Costume out of red wrapping paper and white tissue. As you can see I have some fashionable girls in the group.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
My Most Treasured Possesion
We took our family photos tonight and got to the park 25 minutes late so we only had 5 minutes of light to work with, but I guess it made a pretty background;).

Saturday, December 8, 2007
2007 Eustis Ward Christmast Party
Tonight was the Eustis Ward Christmas party and everything turned out very nice. Rhea did another a great job on planning an eventful night... Thanks Rhea!
Me and my Sister-in-law Rhea... such a great party planner!
Me and my Ward Sister;)
Payton playing with her friends.
My precious family!

Me and Debbie... the Best YW's President ever (Okay... tied with my sweet mother-in-law Linda;)!

Brianna and Payton dancing.

Friday, December 7, 2007
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