Yesterday was the Eustis ward Fall Festival. It was lot of Fall Fun! Rhea is in charge of the activities for the ward and she did a great job with putting everything together and making it a fun event... Thanks Rhea! The event had a hay ride, volleyball, pie eating contest (which the Berge Family dominated), face painting, cupcake walk, delicious food and lots and lots of fun. It was so nice to have a chance to hang out with the entire ward in a casual setting. Jonathon, Payton and I are so blessed to have so many wonderful people to go to church with. After the Festival a bunch of us went back to Rhea and Geoffrey's house to watch the Gators kill the Gamecocks... Go Gators.
Jonathon driving the hay ride.

Pie eating contest.
Payton playing football.
What a great time...Rhea did awesome planning and putting it together. So, where are my props for the pie honorable mention? J/K
Can't imagine why we weren't invited to watch the game?...
That looks like so much...wish we could have been there too!
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