Today Payton and I could not resist the beautiful November weather so we decide to go to the park down the street. Payton had a great time running around until a little two year old boy named Jayden decided he wanted to play with Payton as well. Everything was fine until Jayden tried to kiss Payton. That’s when she came running to my leg and holding on for dear life. Jayden continued trying until he got a big kiss on Payton’s forehead. Payton had the most bashful look I have ever seen on her. Thank goodness daddy was not there to witness that first;) . Jayden’s parents said that he had a cousin Payton’s age that he always tries to kiss. It was all too cute!
Awww! How sweet! She is the most adorable thing! I wish I had her tan!
-Megan Berge
How funny that Jayden, your little park smoocher, also had a cousin named Payton as well.
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