The Wise Family

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Stake Youth Dance

This is me and some of the Eustis Young Women at the Stake Dance. These girls are awesome!


The Kilcreases said...

Hey Missy. Its Kelly..Michaels sister. I just noticed your blog from katelyns page. It looks great. Payton is getting so big. Kohl it too..17 mo. Sorry to read about the croup. I couldnt imagine. Hope everythin is ok with her now. I'll keep checking in. Check out mine too. Its on Katelyns site. LOL

nanamoo said...

I am so impressed you went to the stake dance! You are like Ammon! I thought that since you work with the Beehives now that you wouldn't...we are so lucky to have you in the YW program!!!