After the girls went home Jonathan and the kids came to the hotel to stay the night. This was the first night that I stayed the night away from the kids and Payton had a hard time with it. She could not understand how I could leave her... I've always said that she is my possessive little girlfriend! Payton and
Britton were so excited to see me and Payton told me Happy Birthday about 100 times. She loved on me and I loved it! Jonathan was very excited to see me as well because he got a little taste of what taking care of two kids by himself was like;). After we walked around and got settled we went down to the pool, but I did not last long and Jonathan told me to go up stairs and take a nap. At first I hesitated but I thought what other day could I get away with something like that and plus staying up so late with the girls had finally caught up to me! After naps we got ready and went back for round two at the
Hardrock. We had lots of fun there and I would recommend it to anyone with kids because it is so loud in there that our kids just blended in and added to the ambiance of the restaurant.
After dinner we walked around City Walk and went and got Payton a pearl from the Pearl Factory. It was so great to spend time with my kids and husband... I am such a lucky girl, or old 26 year old;)!