Britton is now three months and I just keep wondering how time goes by so fast?!? He is growing up so fast and I am in no hurry for that. With Payton I was always wanting her to get to the next milestone such as crawling and walking but with Britton I want him to stay little and non mobile for a long time! ;). I have learned that babies that stay where you put them are a lot easier than a busy toddler that runs.
Our family has been so blessed by this sweet little boy. He is so sweet and gives that most heart melting smiles. He is still a sleeper and loves to be stuggled. Payton has been very helpful with Britton but does get jealous of him at times. Having two children is so much fun and being blessed with a boy and a girl is so awesome! Britton is still in 3 month clothes but they are getting pretty tight. 3m
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