We got the Christmas tree up with no hassle and I decorated it in 15 minutes and yes that is with the lights. I had to be fast because my little monkey wanted to play after her dinner. We were considering not getting a tree this year because we were afraid that Payton would pull it over but she has actually been very good with it. She wanted nothing to do with it at first until she discovered the lights on it. She makes Christmas time so much fun.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
2007 Christmas Tree
Tonight Jonahton, Payton and I went with Linda, Rick and Natalie to pick out our Christmas Tree. We went to the Chrismtas Tree Workshop on 44 in Sorrento. It is so neat out there because they have a little petting zoo, hayrides, a fire to roast marshmellow and beautiful Christmas trees. Going out there made me want to get a goat because they had the cutest little girl goat that kept coming up to me... I think it was because she thought I had food. 

Saturday, November 24, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
So Thankful This Thanksgiving 2007!
Payton sleeping after a full turkey belly.
Thanksgiving was a blast this year and I have so much to be thankful for. Jonathon, Payton and I started off at Linda and Rick’s house and ate and ate and ate. Linda does such a great job with her dinner. We then played some games and headed off for my mom's house were we ate and ate and ate! My mom makes the best sweet turkey and it is so great to hang out with my brother and his girlfriend Sarah. After we all had full bellies we sat around and watched home videos and laughed all night. Here are a few of the thousands of things I have to be grateful for this year:
*This holiday and the opportunity it gives me to remember what I am thankful for and the time I get to spend with family.
*My amazing daughter Payton who has brought so much into my life.
*My husband Jonathon who I am so blessed to be able to spend time and eternity with.
*My mother who has been my bestfriend and such a great role model.
*My mother and father-in-law Linda and Rick who have been such a great example and are always there for me, Jonathon and Payton.
*My sister and brother Christy and Bryant.
*My sisters and brother-in-laws Katelyn, Rhea, Natalie, Geoffrey and Michael (and future in-laws; Sarah and Cameron)
*My nieces and nephew Cameryn, Madison, Jayden and soon to be Macie.
*My mother and father-in-law Konnie and Ricky.
*All of my amazing friends.
*The blessing of being an American.
*The opportunity I have to work with Bling.
*To be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
*The opportunity I have to serve with the Young Women.
*Jesus Christ and the Atonement.
*Technology and the way it has improved our lives.
*Aimee and Brianna and all of their help with Payton.
I have so much more I am thankful for but I would be here all day!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Cali Emma
Friday, November 16, 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Jonathon driving the hay ride.
Pie eating contest.
Payton playing football.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Payton, the Park and the Kiss!

Today Payton and I could not resist the beautiful November weather so we decide to go to the park down the street. Payton had a great time running around until a little two year old boy named Jayden decided he wanted to play with Payton as well. Everything was fine until Jayden tried to kiss Payton. That’s when she came running to my leg and holding on for dear life. Jayden continued trying until he got a big kiss on Payton’s forehead. Payton had the most bashful look I have ever seen on her. Thank goodness daddy was not there to witness that first;) . Jayden’s parents said that he had a cousin Payton’s age that he always tries to kiss. It was all too cute!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
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