My sweet little niece Cameryn came and stayed at my house for a few nights and what a little helper she is. I can't believe how grown up she has gotten over the last few years. She helped me so much with the kids. Cameryn held Britton for hours and played with Payton a lot. We went to the park for a picnic and then Cameryn chased Payton around the park while I got to be lazy and just hold Britton and watch. It was so funny watching her interact with Payton because although Cameryn would be a little girl and play along with Payton, Cameryn would also be very nurturing and make sure Payton was having fun and using her manners such as when Payton would cough Cameryn would remind her to cover her mouth;). I love my Cameryn Grace so much and can't wait for her to come stay with me again.

This photo was taken right before Cameryn fell down with Payton and then Payton go up and said, "NO! NO! Cameryn!".
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