The Wise Family

Monday, May 6, 2013

12 weeks Pregnant

Today I'm 12 weeks pregnant and got to hear the babies heartbeat!! It was of course a sweet sound. Payton got to come to my appointment with me and was also able to hear the heartbeat. It's awesome being able to share these memories with her. She has been so
excited and probably worries more than I do!
I have still been pretty sick. It's worse at night but if I forget to eat every three hours during the day than I get really sick. I'm just happy to know that it should end soon(if I'm lucky)!

My stomach is starting to look like I ate a little too much for dinner. I look forward to the 20th week belly look instead of the, is she putting on weight or pregnant look!!
I still am down a few pounds from being so sick but expect to pick it up in along with a lot more once food isn't such a chore.

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