After waiting and
desperately trying to solve the problem our self, Jonathon and I decided to get
surgery for
Britton's eye.
Britton has had clogged tear ducts since birth. We tried many things to fix the problem ourselves such as messaging and other crazy methods. We were able to get one open on its own but the left side would get better for a few days and then get really
goopy and
Britton would wake up looking like a pirate with one eye completely closed. We went to Dr.
Blumenfeld and he said that the tear duct was blogged causing the tears to not be able to drain. We went in at 7am to POPS in Orlando and they did a great job. From the time we got there to the time we left we had someone there to help us and make everything run very smoothly and organized.
Britton had a very hard time with everything. They gave him some happy juice that chilled him out and off to the operating room he went. After about an hour and half later they brought us back one unhappy little boy. We could not comfort him. He was just plan MAD! The nurses ran his vitals and
everything looked great so we were discharged with a little grouch! We put him in the car and put on his primary songs and that helped to keep him calm but the only rule was that we could not look at him. If we would look back and make eye contact with him he would scream and kick at us. It got to the point were Jonathon thought it was funny and would do it just for a good laugh.
Britton would look out the window and then look over in the corner of his eyes to see if we were looking at him and get so mad if he caught us.
Blumenfeld said that everything went really well. He said that before the surgery he could not get the saline drops to go through but after the surgery they went through with no problem. We are just praying that his eyes stay open and clear because they are so beautiful... especially as a pai
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