When Britton, Jonathon I were with Payton we were suppose to be cowboys and a Indiana but when we were with out her we just looked like country hillbillies.
This was very random but one of my neighbors had this big horse that the kids spotted and they were nice enough to let the kids get on it.
This year we got to take Madison... I mean Dorthy with us to the Eustis Truck or Treat. Payton and I were cats and Britton was a pirate. They had lots of fun games for the kids and great chili for the adults. The kids thought it was great trick or treating in the trunks of cars. They got lots of goodies and on the way home I was not paying attention got Madison's basket and there was about 12 open candy wrappers in it. Luckily she did not have a hard time falling a sleep and surprisingly was not throwing up!
After breakfast we headed to the park. I took the kids to Lake Monroe since Britton loves playing in the splash park but it was closed for the season. We still had a great time playing and having a picnic by the water. While I was playing with Britton at the park I would think back to the day he was born and the past year that he has been here and how much he has grown. It truly is amazing how much happens in one whole year. After eating we packed up I headed to Rhea's house and she watched the kids for me for a little while so I could go home and get ready for Britton's birthday party.
Britton started his birthday off with opening presents. He actually was into opening them and had a great time playing with them. Of course Payton had to help him open the presents and also help him play with all the new toys. After playing we got ready to go to the park and Rick brought over chocolate chip pancakes which were a huge hit with Britton.
My baby boy turned into a little man today! Britton is one year old and what an amazing year he has given me. I discovered a whole new love with this little boy that I never knew existed until the day he was born. I have always said that with Payton all I wanted was a little girl and would have been okay having all girls... thank goodness that you don't always get what you want! Britton has been such a gift from God! Britton is the happiest, most sweet little boy. It does not take much to make him happy and smiling is what he spends most of his time doing. Britton's favorite things are food, his family, dogs, metal handles (he is weird like his sissy), bath time and playing in the water. Britton has two teeth on the bottom row and weighs 25 pounds and is 31 inches tall. Britton you are so loved! Happy Birthday little man! I love you so much!
This year for Britton's 1st birthday we had a Hallooween/ Birthday party. It was lots of fun and all of the kids... especially Britton had a blast. We did trick or treating to all the different doors in my house and then had a glow in the dark dance party in the playroom. After all of the dancing we sang Happy Birthday to Britton and he ripped into his cake. I got him two giant cupcakes that were completely iced all the way around.
The food
The witch and the lady bug
Britton ate all of the cupcake and icing and was even looking for more food after he was done. I thought for sure he would be sick but he was perfectly happy and slept very well.
These cupcakes were even bigger then they look but he probably could have done a third if we had it.
Happy Birthday to you!
Our dance party.
Britton dancing.
It's his party and he thinks he can have the sucker if he wants to.
Princess Kendall and her daddy.
Hooray! We survived a year with this little pirate!