The Wise Family

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Payton's first VPK Test

This is the first test Payton had in school and she did really well but she definitely showed that she was a little Mormon girl by getting the cross wrong. Payton said that it was an "X"! I laughed when I say this and never really thought about a cross being part of the basic shapes that she should know because we do not have crosses any where in our house or our church. I remember thinking that this was strange when I first started going to church with Jonathan and his family but now I totally understand the reason for it. Instead of trying to explain it to my family and friends who are not LDS I have included an article below that explains why we do not wear crosses. Britton also took this test and got the cross wrong but his answer was that it was God.

Gospel Questions: Why Don't Mormons Use Crosses?
by Tristi Pinkston

When you enter an LDS church, you won't see any crosses. They do not adorn our temples, we do not wear them around our necks or decorate our homes with them.

Why not? Isn't the cross the universal symbol of a Christian faith? Doesn't this mean that Mormons aren't Christians?

Mormons are most definitely Christians, but we have a specific reason for not using the cross.

We are so deeply, eternally grateful to Jesus Christ for His atoning sacrifice and subsequent crucifixion. We profoundly feel the impact of His saving grace in our lives and we contemplate the pain He endured in our behalf, knowing that we could never do what He did. He was the only One who could accomplish such a mission, because of the depth of His love for us, His overwhelming charity, and His deep desire to see us become exalted in the last day.

However, we also recognize that while He died for us, He also rose again, and that is even more amazing. He set the example for the rest of us, opening the gates so that death need no longer be terrifying. Because He rose again, we can too. We will be reunited with our loved ones on the other side. We will be restored to our former health, or, for those who have never been blessed with good health, we will be healed of all our imperfections.

Additionally, we focus on the Atonement and the fact that we can be forgiven of our sins, that our emotional hurts can be washed away, and that our physical ailments can be eased, all because of what He did for us.

When we see a cross, we immediately think of pain and suffering. Latter-day Saints choose to concentrate on the joy that came after. Thus, we choose to decorate with pictures of Christ, rather than symbols of the implement of His death.


Saturday, August 27, 2011

Kristin and Rod's Wedding

The shortest and best wedding ceremony I have ever been too!! It literally took less than 10 minutes from the time the first bridesmaid walked down to the kiss between the bride and groom!!

The beautiful Bride and her wonderful father.

Falon and her date Ricky.

My handsome date!

First dance.

Father/ Daughter date...brought tears to my eyes thinking about Jonathan & Payton one day:(.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


My little boy is crazy! This was his new crazy trick! He would hit the garage door opener in my car and run as fast as he could to grab a ride. I had to get it on tape before I ruled out this dangerous little stunt of his. Now he just watches it go up and tries so hard to resist the temptation!

Monday, August 22, 2011

First Day of School

After a great summer and many days of counting down... the day has finally came!! Payton's first day of VPK4 and Britton's first day of VPK 3. It was amazing how excited I was for this day to come and how sad I was the morning of!

New backpacks that they don't even need because the school asked that they not bring them.

Walking up to their classes.

Payton's class. She is in Ms. Lisa's class and with her cousin Jayden. Britton is in Ms. Kim's class with his cousin Alex.

They sure do love each other!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Decorating the Jail

Today Rhea and the boys came over to play and while we were outside playing the kids started playing cops and robbers and were locking each other in the playhouse or "the jail". After awhile Jayden came to Rhea and I very frustrated and said that Payton was decorating the jail. It reminded me of the scene from Dennis the Menace were Margaret was wanting to decorate the clubhouse! It's so funny how Payton and Jayden mix their interest together. They love each other so much and are planning on getting married one day and according to Jayden going to adopt a baby girl from China named Shamu Baby!

Dress Up

I had to break up a fight between these two because they both wanted to wear shoes... I had to dig out an extra pair for Britton to wear but they were both very happy once they each had a pair and sunglasses!

I love Britton's manly legs in those purple shoes!

So funny!

They do lots of boys stuff too!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

OSC + Sea World= Tired Mom!!

Jonathan had to go to Georgia for a work conference so I was on my own to entertain the kids. We had a great time but we stayed very busy! On Saturday we went to the OSC and then I met up with Stephanie to get these super cute magnet boards she made for our playroom. We were only 20 minutes away from Seaworld so me and the kids decided to take a pit stop on the way home. We didn't leave until around 10pm. I was so tired on the way home but it was worth the good time we had! Who needs a double stroller?!?
I love seeing this!

About to ride the shamu rollercoaster.