This is how it started...
Britton and I were taking a bath and taking silly photos (of Briton) to send to daddy who was in Vegas on a boy trip. All of the sudden I hear a very familiar scary noise coming from Payton who was asleep on my bed. I jumped out of the tub and grabbed
Britton and put him in his bed and headed straight to the steaming bathroom. With out having Jonathan at home to help me with
Britton and also Linda being out of town I was
scared to make the call on Payton's health so I decided to get the kids in the car as fast as I could so I could be close to the urgent care which was 15 minutes away. We went and spent 4 hours in the urgent care. It was a very long night but after she got a shot of
steroids , x-rays and a breathing treatment
everythign was okay.

I was blessed to have been able to have started the trip off with
Britton being asleep. But eventually he woke up and was into everything! This was after Payton was doing fine and the doctor would not release us because the medications they gave her required that she be watched for 2-4 hours after receiving the

I was pretty bored during our wait time so I decided to prove that I am indeed 5'7"!
No one ever believes me when I say 5'7" and always think I am taller. Jonathan always messes with me and says I'm 5'8". I love being tall and would claim 5'8", 5'9", 5'10" but
every time I tell people how tall I actually am they look at me as if I was crazy.

Such a trooper! I love this little angel so much and hate when she has to go through this scary croup.
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