The Wise Family

Monday, April 30, 2012

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Friday, April 27, 2012

NSB with Grandma Ears

My grandma has been sick for a while now.  We did not think she was going to make it out of the hospital back in February but I am happy to say that she is doing great! She is 91 and just as spunky as can be! She still has hospice coming to visit her every week which probably has broken some type of record because usually hospice comes in on the last few days of someones life.  We all said that if there was anyone that could pull through a leaking anorisiom then it would be my grandma.  She is such an amazing example of strength!

So today we all got to go to the beach with her which is something that she loves.  Linda, Katelyn, Christy and my mom all meet there for a beautiful time.
They all played so well!
Grandma is always up for a good time!

Christy's Color Studio

My sister decided to go into business by herself and opened this beautiful hair salon called Christy's Color Studio. She did such a great job and I could not be more proud of her. This has been a dream of hers and I know she exceeded her own expectations!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

White Frog

Frogs are nasty enough being green and this thing was an extra nasty being white!  

Playdate with Layton and Summer

Today we got a special visit from this sweet little boy Layton.  My good friends Summer and Chris have been praying for this little miracle for many years.  Finally this past November their dreams came true and they were able to adopt this precious baby.  Summer is already such a great mommy!